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[ Design Strategies in Valparaiso ]


Workshop with students from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and Universidad del Desarrollo de Chile. The workshop took place from October 18th to 24th, 2014 at the Santiago unit of the UDD.  Valparaíso is the seat of Chile's legislative power and the  Valparaíso Historic Area was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003.

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UDD : Felix D'Amesti

    Alex Nohra

FAU Mackenzie: Carlos Andrés Hernández Arriagada

          Paula Raquel da Rocha Jorge

Alejandra Ribba, Belen Collantes, Bruno Andrade, Josefina Atala, Juan Pablo Bravo, Paul Valadão,  Sylvia Yeung and  Glaucia Garcia.


Date: October 18th to 24th, 2014

Location: Universidad Del Desarrollo

BRASIL_Universidade Presbiteriana Macken
CHILE_Universidad del Desarrollo - Conce

Pranchas para download:

HERNÁNDEZ ARRIAGADA, C. A. ; JORGE, Paula R. ; NOHRA, A. ; DAMESTI, F. . Workshop - Estratégias Projetuais na Cidade de Valparaiso - Chile. 2014.

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